Posts Tagged ‘dog’

Mega Ultra Blast Cast Ep.34 – Best of 2014


The weather and Shane’s scumbag computer have conspired to delay this episode’s publication, but here it is – the second annual Mega Ultra Blast Cast “Best of” episode! The two part extravaganza is packed with nonsense like some early talk about burgers, a bit of terrible fishing advice, as much awful planning as ever and a reflection on the many, many times Delaney cried in movies during 2014. We also run through our weirdest Playlist in a long time. Then, at about 45 minutes in, it’s on to our 11 end-of-year awards, including our MUBC Game of the Year winner (the answer may surprise you) and a very tough Movie of the Year category. Thank you so much for any amount of time you spent listening to us in 2014!

If you feel so inclined, go for a run, take a scenic drive, jazz up your afternoon commute or just curl up on the couch and play some games while you listen to the opinions of three emotional Sydneysiders.

You can play the whole episode right off this page if you like:



Or you can go to the Soundcloud site/app and listen from there:

(To download and listen offline, follow the link and then click the download tab)

As always if you enjoy what you hear please share the cast with your friends – Until next time!

Mega Ultra Blast Cast Ep.33 – Nothing Works, Everyone Works


It’s hot in Shane’s room but the Mega Ultra Blast Cast endures to bring you our most packed episode yet, as we discuss a handful of controversial topics in gaming at the moment. We open with a dissection of the whole GTA V and Target saga, talk about the alarming epidemic of broken games getting released these days and check back in with our changing thoughts on Nintendo’s Amiibo range. There’s also our longest playlist in a while as we struggle with all the recent big game releases, more Heroes of the Storm talk, Delaney talking himself up and our biggest and best giveaway ever! Yep, we give away four games. Strap yourselves in, folks.

If you feel so inclined, go for a run, take a scenic drive, jazz up your afternoon commute or just curl up on the couch and play some games while you listen to the opinions of three Sydneysiders on the warpath.

You can play the whole episode right off this page if you like:



Or you can go to the Soundcloud site/app and listen from there:

(To download and listen offline, follow the link and then click the download tab)

As always if you enjoy what you hear please share the cast with your friends – Until next time!

Movie Review: John Wick

Any Keanu fans in the house?

Keanu Reeves, Ian McShane, Willem Defoe
Chad Stahelski (New)
Rating: MA15+


Say what you will about Keanu Reeves, but there is one kind of role he does really, even spectacularly, well. When he’s on a screen, not saying anything, dropping villains and acting like a general badass, there are few who can match his magnetism. That’s what helps make his latest film, John Wick, one of the most surprising movie outings of the year, but it isn’t what makes it an instant recommendation from yours truly if you enjoy action. No, what makes it so good is its astonishingly effective commitment to world building within a short time frame. If you enjoyed Liam Neeson‘s Taken but wished every one-man-army action movie since its release hadn’t felt exactly the same, you need to go see John Wick.

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Mega Ultra Blast Cast Ep.32 – Will the Real Deku Scrub Please Stand Up


There is just too much to talk about on the latest episode of the Mega Ultra Blast Cast, as we drown in news and a flood of videogame releases. In MUBC 32 we talk dog vacations, Overwatch, the secret link between Crash Bandicoot and Majora’s Mask, the latest Nintendo Direct, Shane’s obsession with The Binding of Isaac Rebirth, John Wick and Delaney’s poorly conceived plans. We also argue at length about Freedom Wars, discuss whether the Amiibo range has shown enough to impress us and hurl insults at each other as per usual.

If you feel so inclined, go for a run, take a scenic drive, jazz up your afternoon commute or just curl up on the couch and play some games while you listen to the opinions of three busy Sydneysiders.

You can play the whole episode right off this page if you like:



Or you can go to the Soundcloud site/app and listen from there:

(To download and listen offline, follow the link and then click the download tab)

As always if you enjoy what you hear please share the cast with your friends – Until next time!

Mega Ultra Blast Cast Ep.31 – Smash Bros & The Code Master


It’s once again time for another episode of the Mega Ultra Blast Cast! It’s starting to get really hot again in the studio, but we persevere for the sake of a solid hour of entertainment! Or at least, a solid hour of time-filling nonsense. This one features not one but two spooky Halloween-themed giveaways, plenty of nerdy Marvel/DC movie chat, a new nickname for Delaney, public service announcements about gaming behaviour, some in-depth Super Smash Bros discussion, a new musical segment, and the long-awaited MUBC debut of Shane’s adorable dog Yoghurt.

If you feel so inclined, go for a run, take a scenic drive, jazz up your afternoon commute or just curl up on the couch and play some games while you listen to the opinions of three efficient (?) Sydneysiders.

You can play the whole episode right off this page if you like:



Or you can go to the Soundcloud site/app and listen from there:

(To download and listen offline, follow the link and then click the download tab)

As always if you enjoy what you hear please share the cast with your friends – Until next time!

Game Review: The Last of Us

So many zombies on screens at the moment!

Naughty Dog
Rating: R18+

I didn't have a regular case for the game.

I didn’t have a regular case for the game.

This is it.

Despite its expansive slate of rock-solid console exclusive franchises, blu-ray disc capabilities, the amazing benefits of Playstation Plus and the otherworldly, standalone magnificence of Journey, The Last of Us is in my opinion the most convincing reason yet, and perhaps ever, to own a Playstation 3. Super developer Naughty Dog have crafted a masterful blend of visuals, sound and affective storytelling that exceeds its highly acclaimed previous efforts thanks to some wonderfully balanced gameplay.

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