Posts Tagged ‘items’

Rating the Return of ‘Traditional Zelda Pillars’ in Tears of the Kingdom

A while ago I finished the new Zelda game; my 17th completed Zelda title (from a possible 20) is in the books! Tears of the Kingdom was a ludicrously hefty 148-hour journey, and I had to abandon any hope of reaching my traditional Zelda completion percent goals, but there were too many impending game releases in this truly ridiculous year and it simply had to go in the completed pile. So on the pile it is, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to repeat past mistakes and let it float away without writing anything. Now exactly three months after launch, it’s time to delve into some potential spoilers and talk about TotK. Read on at your own risk.

After all the pre-release speculation, it turns out that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom does a whole lot to differentiate itself from its predecessor Breath of the Wild, even though it also retroactively codifies a new formula from that game’s legacy by following in specific footsteps. We are talking many articles worth of new and surprising stuff, some of which I still probably haven’t seen. But of most interest to this time and place and writer is the clear effort Nintendo has put into re-aligning the open-ended structure of modern Zelda with a handful of elements more traditional to the series – to mixed success.

I wrote a whole month of needlessly granular Zelda countdowns on this site a decade ago, so this pleases me greatly. What say we ignore all the newfangled systems that actually make ToTK great and go straight into critiquing how successfully each of these traditional “pillars” of the series brings back the good times? Some of these BotW barely had at all, and some are just significantly changed-up from the last outing. What do you mean none of this matters?


* 3 / 5 *

Let’s start with the big one. That’s right: after a significantly different take on the concept via Breath of the Wild’s Divine Beasts, Tears of the Kingdom actually brings back some semblance of region-appropriate themed dungeons with delineated puzzle rooms/areas. There are four of these bad boys in total and each one even packs a proper boss – but do they scratch that nostalgic itch the Link’s Awakening remake and Skyward Sword remaster have reminded us we had in the last half-decade?

Well, not really, but they are a massive step up from those Divine Beasts. Not just because the game actually calls them “temples” either (although that absolutely helps); unlike BotW’s tileset-sharing brown mobile puzzle boxes, each dungeon looks meaningfully different from the other three in both colour scheme and layout. Each is also preceded by some form of testing approach sequence that channels Skyward Sword by tying the overworld to the temple via warm-up puzzles and/or fights; this builds the anticipation of reaching the building itself on four pretty successful occasions.

However, for better or worse the open-ended design powering the last two 3D Zelda games persists within the TotK dungeons, no doubt in part by necessity given the sheer power of Link’s new abilities. Each time the player is tasked with the activation of four or five thematically appropriate devices – in any order – to unlock the final boss room. The potential for the truly gnarly labyrinthine conquests we dreamed of as kids is there, but only the Fire Temple really nudges the kind of scale to realise it, and only the Lightning Temple really makes an attempt to integrate the puzzles leading to its mechanical MacGuffins in a way that harkens back to the glory days of Zelda dungeons. Unshackle the Small Keys, Nintendo!

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Best of 2013 Closer


We are well and truly on the ground and running in 2014! There is so much to look forward to this year, but if you missed any one of the 2013 countdown content I posted on Vagrant Rant in the last two weeks, here are the links to each and every one!



1. Top 10 Disappointments

2. Top 10 Game Cases

3. Top 15 K-Pop Singles

4. Top 5 Game Consoles

5. Top 10 Movie Characters

6. Top 10 Gaming Moments

7. Top 10 Movie Scenes

8. Top 10 K-Pop Albums

9. Top 10 Games

10. Top 10 Movies

11. MUBC Best of 2013 Episode


VR Zelda Month: Closer


These last 30 days of list writing have been hard work, but I have enjoyed every moment. Hearing feedback from each individual list has been wonderful (as well as a tad overwhelming) and I’d like to thank everyone who took time out of their days to give each list a read. I can now cross off another writing project from my bucket list, but this may not be the last time I visit the Legend of Zelda series for some countdown goodness.

If you missed any one of the fifteen lists I have posted on Vagrant Rant in the last month or so, here are the links to each and every one!



Top 5 Companions

Top 10 Consumable Items

Top 10 Non-Consumable Items

Top 5 Scenic Locations

Top 10 Enemies

Top 10 Minibosses

Top 10 Bosses

Top 10 Minigames

Top 10 Sidequests

Top 10 Pseudo-Dungeons

Top 15 Dungeons

Top 10 Dungeon Music

Top 15 Non-Dungeon Music

Top 10 Memorable Moments

Top 10 Zelda Games



That lovely Zelda Month logo you see at the top of every list was designed by my very talented sister and one-time Four Swords Adventures ally Jenna. You can view her collection of artworks, photography and clothing designs on her blog, if that tickles your fancy.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go play some Wind Waker HD.

VR Zelda Month: Top 10 Non-Consumable Items


Here’s a more conventional Zelda item countdown.

There is no doubting that one of the pillars of a successful Zelda game is a useful slate of items. The tried and true Zelda formula relies quite heavily on the regular appearance of items, which serve as handy progress markers, new ways of solving puzzles and, in the best cases, new approaches to combat. Though Zelda games are sometimes criticised for reusing much of the same set of items from game to game, the fact is that new uses for old items come up all the time, perpetuating the Zelda inventory tradition in a completely justifiable way. And, of course, there are always new items that each Zelda game brings to the fore – though some are hits and others misses.

This is probably self-explanatory, but nothing that was eligible for my last item list is eligible for this one. These ten items all stay in your inventory forever (well, except for that one bit in Skyward Sword) once you obtain them.

This list represents my opinion only. I am not asserting any kind of superiority or self-importance by presenting it as I have. My opinion is not fact. If you actually agree with me 100%, that’s scary. Respectful disagreement is welcome. Spoilers may follow.


10. Mirror Shield – LttP, LA, OoT, MM, OoA, OoS, WW, MC

It has been almost a decade since the Mirror Shield, once a staple of Link’s arsenal, has appeared in a new Zelda game. That’s too long, because the usually final shield upgrade is an awesome item. It differs widely in appearance from game to game but never fails to look the part of a seriously pretty piece of back bling that almost always has the same property: the ability to reflect energy-based enemy attacks back at the user. In the later 3D games, the item’s capability increased to allow the reflection of light into new areas, giving birth to some very memorable puzzles in the likes of Ocarina of Time‘s Spirit Temple and The Wind Waker‘s Earth Temple.

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VR Zelda Month: Top 10 Consumable Items

Post number 150 on Vagrant Rant!


For all the “Top Ten Zelda Items” lists that are floating around the internet these days, the ten inventory fillers you’re about to see tend to get rather ignored (with one possible exception). They literally come and go, getting used up and forgotten without so much as a second thought. Yet I have a soft spot for all of them and believe that each has something memorable to offer the Zelda experience. So here we go: My top ten consumable items in Zelda games.

A quick note: This list does not contain any so-called “power-up” items, because they tend not to show up in your inventory. To qualify for this list, an item needs to both show up on an inventory screen somewhere and have a number in the corner of its icon. Also, ammunition items like slingshot pellets and arrows do not count, because each is forever linked to a non-consumable item.

This list represents my opinion only. I am not asserting any kind of superiority or self-importance by presenting it as I have. My opinion is not fact. If you actually agree with me 100%, that’s scary. Respectful disagreement is welcome.


10. Bombchus – OoT, MM

Mechanised exploding mice – what’s not to like? Bomchus are what happen when you put a motor on a bomb and set it free. It isn’t guaranteed to hit anything – heck, it isn’t even guaranteed to go in a straight line – but it sure is fun to put down and see what happens. Judging the timing for a successful run that ends in an explosion at just the right time is plenty satisfying, particularly when engaging in the Bomchu Bowling minigame of Ocarina of Time. Bomchus don’t play a large role in the main gameplay thread of either of the N64 games by any means, but they get a chance to shine in the special edition Ocarina of Time: Master Quest dungeons.

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